HDsurface | 树脂水泥中的贵族521
发表时间:2019-08-22 11:59 通过物质的本质创造情感,赋予空间身份,讲述新的生活哲学 为建筑师和室内设计师提供新的创造潜能 旨在创造人与空间之间真实而生动的对话 HDsurface feel the surface History 历史 HDsurface于1982年创立,公司位于Cussago(意大利布雷西亚)总部的实验室。研究、实验、工艺和创作自由是使 HDsurface 成为市场上生产室内外连续解决方案覆盖物的真正参考点的要素。这也是国外众多著名建筑师和顶尖设计工作室极力推崇的重要因素。 HDSURFACE was founded in 1982, the lab at CUSSAGO’s headquarters in Brescia. Freedom of research, experimentation, craftsmanship, and authorship is what makes HDsurface a true reference point for the production of indoor and outdoor continuous solution coverings on the market. This is also foreign many famous architects and top design studio respected the important factor. Sustainability 可持续性 HDsurface通过创建能够将环境设计成建筑结构的新方案,赋予一系列材料表面以生命,这些材料在美学和性能方面各不相同,所有材料均采用纯净、环保的水土和颜料配方。 公司通过遵守国际可持续性标准和协议来表达这一持续承诺。由于它们的 VOC(挥发性有机化合物)排放量非常低,HDsurface 覆盖物被归类为根据法国第 321 / 2011 号法令归类为 A + 级,并遵守意大利环境部制定的最低环境标准。他们还有助于获得 LEED(能源与环境设计领导力)认证,该认证规定了生态可持续建筑的建造要求。 Colour research 色彩研究 颜色是设计诠释美学必不可少的元素,这些颜色由HDsurface天然大地研究院创建。表面采用不同的色调,从使光线倍增的浅色,到持续时间长的空间中性色,到温暖尘土色调,再到赋予项目特殊魅力和意想不到的颜色。为了满足最广泛的需求,HDsurface为每个系列提供了广泛的、不断变化的颜色范围。 Color is an essential element of design and Interpretive Aesthetics. These colors were created by the natural earth institute at HDsurface. The surfaces use a variety of hues, from light colors that double the light, to space neutral colors that last a long time, to warm dusty tones, to colors that give the project its special charm and unexpected color. To meet the widest range of needs, HDsurface offers a wide and constantly changing range of colors for each series. Application area 应用区域 由于混凝土的自然性和自发性与树脂的耐用性、弹性和不渗透性之间的相遇,可实现最大的设计多功能性。HDsurface产品非常适合用于家庭室内的地板和墙壁以及楼梯、厨房、户外等,也适用于浴缸和淋浴系统的浴室,以及人流量密集的大型公共空间。 Due to the interaction between the nature and spontaneity of concrete and the durability, elasticity and impermeability of the resin, maximum design versatility can be achieved. HDSURFACE products are ideal for use on floors and walls within a home as well as stairs, kitchen, outdoor, bath and shower system bathrooms, and large public spaces with high pedestrian flow. Series products 系列产品
PerfectCombination具有混浊效果的表面,其特征是通过强烈的明暗对比变化,唤起混凝土的材料强度,可实现最大的设计多功能性。使用范围非常广泛,非常适合室内墙地面、厨房、浴室,以及人流量密集的大型公共空间。 Perfect combination surfaces are characterized by a strong contrast between light and dark, which evokes the strength of the concrete material and achieves maximum design versatility. The range of use is very wide, very suitable for indoor walls and floors, kitchen, bathroom, as well as the flow of large-scale public space. PerfectCombination 完美组合 MDF Italia- 科莫(Bestetti Associati 工作室设计) CementoWabi—侘寂水泥,将材料语言置于空间艺术,带抹刀和充满活力效果的装饰涂层,通过混凝土的表现力来定义空间。Wabi Sabi Cement, a decorative coating with a spatula and vibrant effect, defines space through the expressive power of concrete. CementoWabi 水泥瓦比 Stuart Weitzman - 米兰罗马(Zaha Hadid 设计) GEOtexture美学是抹灰砂浆的典型特征,具有令人愉悦的纹理和色调运动。一种具有紧凑效果的建筑覆盖物,将不同的体量结合在一起,就像一个均匀连续的皮肤,又具有强烈的视觉和触觉物质性。 GEOtexture aesthetics is a typical feature of plastering mortar, with pleasing texture and tonal movement. A compact architectural covering that combines different volumes, like a uniform continuous skin, but with a strong visual and tactile materiality. GEOtexture 地质水泥 施加古勒酒店 - Castelrotto BZ(Peter Pichler Architecture 米兰工作室)少即是多,无中生有 材料应该看起来像从建筑里长出来的 并与周围环境和谐相处 Less is more, out of nothing The material should look like it grew out of the building And live in harmony with the surrounding environment |